Common questions

Get to know how we operate at Cornerstone Counselling with some of the most commonly asked questions

How much does Counselling cost?

Our aim is to make counselling more accessible and affordable to our communities, our fees are subsidised by the South England Conference.
Our Fees are:

£30 for individuals
£45 for couples
£45 For Families
£50 For Trauma Therapy

Problems can counselling help with?

Counselling can help with a wide range of concerns including:

Major life changes
-Anxiety and stress
-Bereavement and loss
-Carer responsibilities
-Eating disorders
-Health issues
-OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)
-Redundancy and work issues
-Relationship difficulties
- Anything that troubles you and much more



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How do I start with a counsellor?

To book a general consultation you can use our online form, email us, phone us or chat online
Our aim is to offer you a first appointment, known as an assessment session within 1-2 weeks,  However, waiting times will vary according to pressure on our resources, your own availability and the service you seek.



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How do I know I will receive a professional service?

Our Counsellors are  all bound by Ethical frameworks, policies and all are registered and accredited (or eligible for accreditation) with at least one of the following:
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
BABCP - British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy
ACC- Association of Christian Counsellors
NCP- National Council of Psychotherapist

You can always ask the counsellor what their qualifications are. Some of our counsellors are completing their training under close supervision. If you do not feel the counsellor is right for you, please discuss it with the counsellor and administration



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Will my counselling sessions be confidential?

Yes, with CCS all counselling sessions are confidential. The exception would be if you were to pose a danger to yourself or others, in which case the relevant parties would be notified.



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I am student/ I can not afford counselling?

Our fees are subsidised by the South England Conference. If you are not able to pay for counselling, please contact the us and we discuss available options for you.



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What will my Counsellor do?

Your counsellor will take the time to get to know you and give you a chance to ask questions about how we work and the services we can offer. If you decide to come regularly, you will see the same counsellor at the same time every week for up to 50 minutes. We offer a maximum of 12 sessions, with a review. They will listen carefully to you and encourage you to speak freely and openly about what’s troubling you. They will help deal with your concerns and support you in a non-judgemental way to make your own decisions. Counselling sessions can help you to gain clarity on an issue, change old patterns, untangle complex personal issues, or embark on a journey of self-development.



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When I am Crisis can I Contact my My counsellor

Your counsellor will be available to you at your scheduled appointment time only. In the case of an emergency you will need to seek other resources. Contact your GP, the Samaritans (call 116 123,, or, if necessary, emergency services.



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We have a great team of Counsellers

Do you require immediate help?

If you require assistance immediately, please visit the page below for some emergency phone numbers to contact.

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